Thursday, March 14, 2013

China paper


 For Cultural Management we had to explain the similarities and differences between the Chinese culture and the American culture. I tried to make every slide speak by itself. I used a lot of red because it is a color that´s very related to the Chinese culture. I also used a different background picture so we wouldn´t have to write a lot of information in each slide. The idea was also to make people understand what we were talking about by just looking at the design of the visuals.

Para Cultural Management teniamos que explicar las diferencias y similitudes entre la cultura China y la Americana. Intente que cada diapositiva diera su propia informacion sin que hiciera falta leer lo que habia escrito. Use mucho el rojo porque representa mucho la cultura China. Tambien inclui diferentes dibujos dependiendo de la diapositiva para crear mas impacto visual.

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