Saturday, March 30, 2013

Background 3

This is the final ad we had to do with the same background. I think this one is the one that looks better given that the product is very related with the background in the sense that when you take an icebreaker it feels cool.
Este es el ultimo anuncio que hicimos con el mismo fondo. Creo que es el que mejor queda porque el producto esta muy relacionado con el fondo en el sentido de que, cuando tomas un icebreaker, da sensacion de frescor.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Post-competition journal

After waking up at 6am, do homework, go to class, go to stock trading training, go to class again... I can finally sit for a second (while eating a subway, because I have an appointment in 1 hour...) to tell you what happened yesterday in the Competition for Innovation Ideas.

First of all, I was really nervous because I really believe the iRead is a great product and that it could really mean a change for a lot of people. The afternoon started with Eddie coming to my place to help me with the final touches for my presentation, mispelling and mispronunciation. After a few attempts the presentation seemed to be nice and fluent.
I put on my best attire and I was ready to leave.

When I got to the 12th floor of 73 Tremont there where 10 chairs that made me assume there were going to be 10 presentations, 10 mins each. People started to come, some of them quiet and some other more chatty. One of them even dared to ask about other´s inventions, haha, nobody wanted to show their cards! (neither did I ;) )

Dr. Bhatia came and everyone shut up. He told us to cheer up because we had nothing to lose, $50,000 at the most! haha that statement wouldn´t relax us as much as he thought.

As Dr.Bhatia was telling us the order to present, I had the felling I was going to be the last one, and I wasn´t mistaken. I was second to last to present, almost 3 hours waiting until it was my turn. I had lunch at 2, and I left 73 Tremont at 9 with just a bottle of water.

When it was my turn, there were at least 20 people to judge my presentation, the work of about 3 months. I was really nervous but I tried to keep calm and I tried to do as I once heard in a video, all I had to do is "pretend to be a good presenter."
They had a clicker that didn´t work and somebody told me "don´t worry, it never worked" to which I replied "don´t worry, I brought mine."  I think it´s really important that I brought my own clicker, the book in braille, my slides and my ipad. You have to be prepare if you want to succeed.

I started my presentation and everyone seemed really engaged, there was people nodding their head like "yes, you are right", others were kind of smiling like "how did you think of that?" and others were patiently listening. Not everything went smooth, I remember turning to the screen and saying "Whaaat? there should be a screen full of holes here!" For some reason the projector wouldn´t show the holes on the picture of the screen of the iRead .
The presentation went well, if not great. The judges were amazingly kind and they all listened to my presentation with entusiasm. When it came to the Q&A, there are three sentences I would like to highlight. One of them told me "it was a fantastic presentation" to which all I can say is THANK YOU. Other sentence that made me really happy was "I love your passion", THANK YOU and yes, I really love my product, and I really want to fight for it to win. And a question that I loved was "Why would companies like The New York Times want to develop apps for your iRead?" THANKS for the question and, of course they will, they sell information, the more they spread it the better. I have no doubt that they will love to develop apps for the iRead.

I got home at 9.30pm, I had a bagel and started doing homework. At 11.30 it was already too late. It was time to sleep. I went to sleep with a smile in my face because, even though I don´t know if I will win, the experience and knowing that about 20 people sat there and loved my presentation and my product was priceless.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Today we dine in... 73 Tremont!!

Today is the day!! At 6pm I will be presenting the iRead to the judges from the Competition for Innovation Ideas. So nervous! But really can´t wait!

Hoy es el dia!! A las 6 de la tarde presento el iRead a los jueces de la Competicion sobre Ideas Innovadoras. Muchos nervios! Pero estoy deseando ir!!

Background 2

This is the second ad we did with the same background. This one is not my favorite but it is a good example of how the same background can be used for multiple purposes.

Este es el segundo anuncio que hicimos con el mismo fondo. Este en concreto no es mi favorito pero es un buen ejemplo de como un mismo fondo puede ser utilizado para diferentes contenidos.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Suffolk Disability Services

The guys from Suffolk University Disability Services just let me borrow a complete book in Braille for tomorrow´s Competition for Innovative Ideas. Isn´t it great? They were so nice to me and I´m really thankful for that. Thank you.

Los chicos de Servicios para Discapacitados de Suffolk me han prestado un libro entero escrito en Braille para que lo utilice mañana en mi Competicion sobre Ideas Innovadoras. No es increible? Han sido muy amables conmigo y les estoy muy agradecido. Gracias.

Background 1

We had to design 3 different ads using the same background. The first one was for Columbia Sportswear, the second one was for The Little Nell vacation resort, and the last one was for Icebreakers. My favorite is the Icebreakers one because I think it looks like an ad you´d really find in a magazine.

Teniamos que diseñar 3 anuncios diferentes usando el mismo fondo. El primero para Columbia Sportswear, el segundo fue para el resort de vacaciones The Little Nell, y el ultimo fue para Icebreaker. Mi favorito es el de Icebreakers porque parece realmente sacado de una revista.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Public Transportation

A good friend of mine and I had to design an ad about public transportation. I did the design while she did the text.

Una buena amiga y yo tuvimos que hacer un diseño para transporte publico. Yo hice el diseño mientras que ella hizo el texto.

Flair wigs

A good friend of mine and I had to design an ad for Flair wigs. The hurricane Irene happened a few months ago and we used it to demonstrate the good quality of our product.

Una buena amiga y yo tuvimos que diseñar un anuncio para pelucas Flair. Aprovechamos que el huracan Irene sucedio unos meses antes para demostrar la calidad de nuestro producto.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

SOHO 501

This is a website I designed for a friend´s club, but unfortunately it never made it to the net. It´s a pity because I think the design is really cool.

Esta web la hice para el club de un amigo aunque desgraciadamente nunca llego a internet. Es una lastima porque creo que el diseño era muy bueno.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


A very good friend of mine wanted a logo for his jet ski store. I came up with this black and white logo featuring a guy doing a backflip and the initials of the store´s name. I also helped a little bit to develop his website and did the main logo

Un muy buen amigo mio queria un logo para su tienda de motos acuaticas. Se me ocurrio este logo en blanco y negro con un hombre haciendo un backflip y las siglas de la tienda. Tambien ayude un poquito a hacer su web, y le hice el logo

Ford Pinto case

For Business Law and Ethics class, Nawfal and I had to debate about whether Ford had behave appropriately or not in the Ford Pinto case. He had to speak from an ethical point of view. I had to give a more business oriented point of view. The presentation was a complete success!

Para Etica y Ley Empresarial, Nawfal y yo tuvimos que debatir sobre si Ford habia hecho bien o no en el caso del Ford Pinto. El tenia que dar el punto de vista etico mientras que yo tenia que dar una perspectiva mas empresarial. La presentacion fue un exito!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

BSC project

For Organizational Behavior my group and I had to do a research about how to keep employees motivated at the workplace. The outcome of the research was priceless! All that glitters is not gold.
I was in charge of the visuals again and for a fitness club I think the colors and the picture looked great.

Para Organizational Behavior mi grupo y yo tuvimos que hacer una investigacion sobre como mantener a los empleados motivados en el trabajo. El resultado de la investigacion no tiene precio! No es oro todo lo que reluce.
Yo tenia que hacer las diapositivas y creo que para un gimnasio los colores y la foto que elegi quedan perfectos.


Today I´m sending the slides for the Suffolk University´s Competition for Innovative Ideas. Did I say I´m finalist out of 250 entries? I have to present my idea on March 26, I can´t wait!
The iRead is a great new device that will definitely change the visually impaired people´s life. How does it looks like? How does it work? You will see next week!

Hoy por fin mando las diapositivas para la competicion de Suffolk sobre Ideas Innovadoras. Os dije que me clasifique para la final de entre 250 participantes? Presento mi idea el 26 de marzo, estoy deseando que llegue el dia!
El iRead es un aparato estupendo que puede cambiar la vida de las personas con discapacidad visual. Como funciona y que pinta tiene lo sabreis en una semana!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Business card

Following the guidelines from my CareerLinks professor, I designed my very own business card. Since people would need to know a lot of information from this little piece of paper, I decided to add a QR barcode linked to my LinkedIn account.

Haciendo caso de mi profesora de CareerLinks, me hice mi propio diseño de tarjeta de visita. Como la gente necesita mucha informacion de este trozo de papel tan pequeño, decidi incluir un codigo QR con un link a mi cuenta de LinkedIn.

Swim passes

The posters you find in Suffolk University don´t attract people´s attention. The first thing we did was suggest the University to change the posters. I presented several simpler and more straightforward posters.

Los posters que sueles encontrar por Suffolk no llaman mucho la atencion. Lo primero que hicimos fue sugerir a la universidad cambiarlos. Presente unos pocos posters mas sencillos y directos.

Strength project

For Capstone project the team needed a name and a logo. One of my groupmates came up with the name "Strength." Since we were in charge of researching and evaluating the performance of Suffolk University regarding Health and Wellness, I thought it would look good to use bright colors and different images about people following a healthy way of life.

Para proyecto fin de carrera nuestro grupo necesitaba de un nombre y un logo. Uno de los componentes del grupo penso en el nombre "Strength". Y como teniamos que hacer el trabajo sobre el departamento de salud y bienestar de la universidad, use colores vivos y images representando gente con un estilo de vida saludable

China paper


 For Cultural Management we had to explain the similarities and differences between the Chinese culture and the American culture. I tried to make every slide speak by itself. I used a lot of red because it is a color that´s very related to the Chinese culture. I also used a different background picture so we wouldn´t have to write a lot of information in each slide. The idea was also to make people understand what we were talking about by just looking at the design of the visuals.

Para Cultural Management teniamos que explicar las diferencias y similitudes entre la cultura China y la Americana. Intente que cada diapositiva diera su propia informacion sin que hiciera falta leer lo que habia escrito. Use mucho el rojo porque representa mucho la cultura China. Tambien inclui diferentes dibujos dependiendo de la diapositiva para crear mas impacto visual.

Nike Strive High

For Professional Communitation we had to come up with an idea to convince the whole class to invest in it. My group and I thought about a Foundation to help people in need to pay their college tuition. I was in charge of the designs, and I think these designs really represent the idea we were presenting.

Para Professional Communication tuvimos que buscar una idea para convencer a la clase de que inviritiera en ella. Mi grupo y yo pensamos en una fundacion para ayudar a la gente necesitada a pagarse los estudios. Yo estaba a cargo del diseño asi que pense que este le pegaba mucho a la idea que ibamos a presentar.

Choco Pringles

For the Pringles´ project I thought it would be a nice idea to release a new flavor to make a stunning entrance in the market.

Para el proyecto de Pringles, a pesar de que lo principal era la lata, decidi incluir un sabor para hacer la entrada al mercado aun mas impresionante.

Pringles can

After several attempts to reach the last chips, I realized that the Pringles can deserved an update. For marketing class I presented the "Peel-Me" can. This can would be way more convenient for Pringles´ lovers, wouldn´t it?

 Despues de varios intentos para alcanzar las ultimas patatas fritas de Pringles, me di cuenta de que el famoso bote necesitaba una actualizacion. Para clase de marketing presente una nueva lata que se puede partir por la mitad. Esto es mas comodo para aquellos a quien nos encantan las Pringles, no?

First post!

Hi guys!

I´m really excited for starting my new blog. In this blog I will be showing my work and designs for and from school and my personal projects. Sometimes I will add a little bit of my day to day, too.

First of all, who am I?
My name´s Jesus Portillo, I´m an international student from Suffolk University who will be graduating in May 2013. I´m a major in Business Management and I transfered to Suffolk from San Pablo CEU University in Madrid.
Even though my major is Management, I´m an enthusiast of graphic and web design, and everything that involves creativity.
I´m also addicted to sport. I will do my first triathlon in Miami next April 7th. I´ve been member of the Suffolk´s cross-country varsity team and, once the season was over, I started training really hard to get to this triathlon in shape.

I hope it is enough for my first post ever, I´ll keep you update!


Estoy muy feliz de empezar mi propio blog. Aqui os enseñare parte de mis trabajos y diseños de y para la universidad y otros proyectos mios. Algun dia tambien añadire cosas mias.

Lo primero, quien soy yo?

Me llamo Jesus Portillo y soy un estudiante español en Suffolk University, Boston. Me graduo en Mayo de 2013.  Estoy estudiando Business Management (ADE), e hice un traslado de expediente hace ya mas de un año desde la Universidad San Pablo CEU de Madrid.
Aunque soy de economicas, me encanta el diseño de webs, el diseño grafico y todo aquello que requiera  ser creativo.

Tambien soy un loco de los deportes. Pronto hare mi primer triatlon en Miami, el 7 de Abril. Tambien he sido miembro del equipo de atletismo de Suffolk y en cuanto se acabo  la temporada me puse a entrenar muchisimo para estar a tope en Miami.

Creo que para el primer post de mi vida esto es suficiente. Os tendre al corriente!