Friday, August 23, 2013

Designs for Citroen

The people from Citroen asked me to do a design for one local magazine. They didn´t want to include much information so I kept things simple

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Boston Sports Club project

For this group project we had to study the relationship between the employees and employers at BSC. The outcome of the presentation was really surprising.
I did the graphics, research and presented.

China project

 For this group project we had to describe the cultural differences from United States and China and what a company should know before investing in China.
I did the graphics, presented and research.

Bank of America case

For this group project we had to find a way to help BoA increase productivity. We thought that there are several creative ways to avoid increasing fees thus lowering customers satisfaction.
I did the graphics, research, find the different solutions and presented.

Coca-Cola project

For this group project we had to find out a way to increase the reputation and sales of Coca-Cola. We decided to work on a healthier approach for Coca-Cola.

Consumerism project

 For Globalization class each student had to make a presentation about a global issue. I decided to make a presentation about consumerism from the point of view that we are under a lot of pressure from marketeers and companies which send us an overwhelming number of ads, trick our mind to make us believe we need their products and make low quality products that we need to substitute soon in time.
I did the graphics, research - including what I learned from the Bridging the Gap conference and the movie "Obsolescencia Programada" - added the content, and presented.

...and this is the answer of the Professor:

Leadership project

For Leadership class each student had to make a presentation about a leader that inspires him/her. We had to ask him how to lead successfully and what advices would he give us to become a good leaders.

Graphics, content, research and presentation made by me.

Monday, June 24, 2013

JAMS presentation finished

Yes! We finally had the chance to present our project about Smarfailing and it went great! We got an A :) The professor said that she loved my design and the class exercise I came up with - the catapult one. The professor praised our teamwork and the way I led the class during the exercise. It´s been a great day!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

JAMS presentation - Class assignment

This is the design I came up with after the group decided which logo they liked most. Since the class for which it is made is called Developing Innovation Skills, I though this time it could be nice to use Prezi.

We are presenting on Monday. I will post the final Prezi version full of content, the same we presented in class.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Kona Hawaii Ironman 2012 - Video Edit - Class assignment

Today the class was asked to create either a video or a line of greeting cards. Since it was a great opportunity to play a little bit with Windows Movie Maker, I decided to go for the music video.
Of course, the video is about #triathlon #swimbikerun #ironman #hawaii... Couldn´t be otherwise!

I don´t own the footage or music, just edited it.


If you are using an iPad you will need the youtube version:

Saturday, June 8, 2013

JAMS logo 3

This is the third option for the JAMS logo in case the other guys want something brighter.

Friday, June 7, 2013

JAMS logo 2

This is the second option for the JAMS logo. This is the one I like most. I like the 3D style and I belive the font looks great on that background.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

JAMS logo 1

For my Developing Innovation Skills class we had to design a logo for our group. I came up with various designs that are very different so the teammates can choose whichever they like most.
Since this is an Innovation class, I thought the classic "I´ve got an idea" bulb would fit pretty well with the spirit of the team.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I developed an iPad app for restaurants. It would make the service more convenient for customers since they wouldn´t have to wait for the waiter to come.

Capstone posters 4

This is the final version of the swim pass poster. I had to change the photo because the previous wasn´t good quality and looked bad printed. The original poster is 2500x3537 and looks awesome in paper.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Capstone posters 3

The last poster I designed was for the movie passes they sell at Donahue building. This poster maintains the format from the previous posters. It features a picture from Wall-e to make it more relatable to the topic it represents.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Consumerism Presentation

This are some of the slides I designed for my Consumerism presentation. For this presentation I talked on behalf of the consumer and answered questions like why do we buy things we don´t want, when we don´t need it, with money we don´t have. 

I learned at the Bridging the Gap conference at Suffolk University that there are more cellphones than toilets, and I thought it would be a funny fact to add to this presentation. It clearly shows how people may feel keeping in contact is more important than using the bathroom. 

The old style of marketing wasn´t very effective, they would launch a commercial on tv and hope their potential customer would see it.

Nowadays things have changed. They have millions of ads and commercials designed especifically for each of us.

Companies make use of heuristic. When I asked in class what red product was in my backpack, it wasn´t 2 seconds until I heard a classmate say Coca Cola.

 For a presentation about Cosumerism talking about planned obsolescence was mandatory. I talked about the secret organization called Phoebus that was formed in 1924 in order to control the light bulb´s market

Since it´s impossible to prevent people from consuming, I told my classmates that the only thing we can do is to be indifferent towards ads, commercials, and all the methods that are being used so we don´t stop consuming.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Capstone posters 2

The group came up with the idea of a fun run to promote the sport and an active way of life for the students. The poster features a ram running and having fun. I used a ram because it is the mascot of Suffolk University.