Friday, August 23, 2013

Designs for Citroen

The people from Citroen asked me to do a design for one local magazine. They didn´t want to include much information so I kept things simple

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Boston Sports Club project

For this group project we had to study the relationship between the employees and employers at BSC. The outcome of the presentation was really surprising.
I did the graphics, research and presented.

China project

 For this group project we had to describe the cultural differences from United States and China and what a company should know before investing in China.
I did the graphics, presented and research.

Bank of America case

For this group project we had to find a way to help BoA increase productivity. We thought that there are several creative ways to avoid increasing fees thus lowering customers satisfaction.
I did the graphics, research, find the different solutions and presented.

Coca-Cola project

For this group project we had to find out a way to increase the reputation and sales of Coca-Cola. We decided to work on a healthier approach for Coca-Cola.

Consumerism project

 For Globalization class each student had to make a presentation about a global issue. I decided to make a presentation about consumerism from the point of view that we are under a lot of pressure from marketeers and companies which send us an overwhelming number of ads, trick our mind to make us believe we need their products and make low quality products that we need to substitute soon in time.
I did the graphics, research - including what I learned from the Bridging the Gap conference and the movie "Obsolescencia Programada" - added the content, and presented.

...and this is the answer of the Professor:

Leadership project

For Leadership class each student had to make a presentation about a leader that inspires him/her. We had to ask him how to lead successfully and what advices would he give us to become a good leaders.

Graphics, content, research and presentation made by me.